// Easy Responsive Tabs Plugin // Author: Samson.Onna (function ($) { $.fn.extend({ easyResponsiveTabs: function (options) { //Set the default values, use comma to separate the settings, example: var defaults = { type: 'default', //default, vertical, accordion; width: 'auto', fit: true, closed: false, activate: function () { } } //Variables var options = $.extend(defaults, options); var opt = options, jtype = opt.type, jfit = opt.fit, jwidth = opt.width, vtabs = 'vertical', accord = 'accordion'; var hash = window.location.hash; var historyApi = !!(window.history && history.replaceState); //Events $(this).bind('tabactivate', function (e, currentTab) { if (typeof options.activate === 'function') { options.activate.call(currentTab, e) } }); //Main function this.each(function () { var $respTabs = $(this); var $respTabsList = $respTabs.find('ul.resp-tabs-list'); var respTabsId = $respTabs.attr('id'); $respTabs.find('ul.resp-tabs-list li').addClass('resp-tab-item'); $respTabs.css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': jwidth }); $respTabs.find('.resp-tabs-container > div').addClass('resp-tab-content'); jtab_options(); //Properties Function function jtab_options() { if (jtype == vtabs) { $respTabs.addClass('resp-vtabs'); } if (jfit == true) { $respTabs.css({width: '100%', margin: '0px'}); } if (jtype == accord) { $respTabs.addClass('resp-easy-accordion'); $respTabs.find('.resp-tabs-list').css('display', 'none'); } } //Assigning the h2 markup to accordion title var $tabItemh2; $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content').before(""); var itemCount = 0; $respTabs.find('.resp-accordion').each(function () { $tabItemh2 = $(this); var $tabItem = $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-item:eq(' + itemCount + ')'); var $accItem = $respTabs.find('.resp-accordion:eq(' + itemCount + ')'); $accItem.append($tabItem.html()); $accItem.data($tabItem.data()); $tabItemh2.attr('aria-controls', 'tab_item-' + (itemCount)); itemCount++; }); //Assigning the 'aria-controls' to Tab items var count = 0, $tabContent; $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-item').each(function () { $tabItem = $(this); $tabItem.attr('aria-controls', 'tab_item-' + (count)); $tabItem.attr('role', 'tab'); //Assigning the 'aria-labelledby' attr to tab-content var tabcount = 0; $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content').each(function () { $tabContent = $(this); $tabContent.attr('aria-labelledby', 'tab_item-' + (tabcount)); tabcount++; }); count++; }); // Show correct content area var tabNum = 0; if (hash != '') { var matches = hash.match(new RegExp(respTabsId + "([0-9]+)")); if (matches !== null && matches.length === 2) { tabNum = parseInt(matches[1], 10) - 1; if (tabNum > count) { tabNum = 0; } } } //Active correct tab $($respTabs.find('.resp-tab-item')[tabNum]).addClass('resp-tab-active'); //keep closed if option = 'closed' or option is 'accordion' and the element is in accordion mode if (options.closed !== true && !(options.closed === 'accordion' && !$respTabsList.is(':visible')) && !(options.closed === 'tabs' && $respTabsList.is(':visible'))) { $($respTabs.find('.resp-accordion')[tabNum]).addClass('resp-tab-active'); $($respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content')[tabNum]).addClass('resp-tab-content-active').attr('style', 'display:block'); } //assign proper classes for when tabs mode is activated before making a selection in accordion mode else { $($respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content')[tabNum]).addClass('resp-tab-content-active resp-accordion-closed') } //Tab Click action function $respTabs.find("[role=tab]").each(function () { var $currentTab = $(this); $currentTab.click(function () { var $currentTab = $(this); var $tabAria = $currentTab.attr('aria-controls'); if ($currentTab.hasClass('resp-accordion') && $currentTab.hasClass('resp-tab-active')) { $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content-active').slideUp('', function () { $(this).addClass('resp-accordion-closed'); }); $currentTab.removeClass('resp-tab-active'); return false; } if (!$currentTab.hasClass('resp-tab-active') && $currentTab.hasClass('resp-accordion')) { $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-active').removeClass('resp-tab-active'); $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content-active').slideUp().removeClass('resp-tab-content-active resp-accordion-closed'); $respTabs.find("[aria-controls=" + $tabAria + "]").addClass('resp-tab-active'); $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content[aria-labelledby = ' + $tabAria + ']').slideDown().addClass('resp-tab-content-active'); } else { $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-active').removeClass('resp-tab-active'); $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content-active').removeAttr('style').removeClass('resp-tab-content-active').removeClass('resp-accordion-closed'); $respTabs.find("[aria-controls=" + $tabAria + "]").addClass('resp-tab-active'); $respTabs.find('.resp-tab-content[aria-labelledby = ' + $tabAria + ']').addClass('resp-tab-content-active').attr('style', 'display:block'); } //Trigger tab activation event $currentTab.trigger('tabactivate', $currentTab); //Update Browser History if (historyApi) { var currentHash = window.location.hash; var newHash = respTabsId + (parseInt($tabAria.substring(9), 10) + 1).toString(); console.log(newHash); if (currentHash != "") { var re = new RegExp(respTabsId + "[0-9]+"); if (currentHash.match(re) != null) { newHash = currentHash.replace(re, newHash); } else { newHash = currentHash + "|" + newHash; } } else { newHash = '#' + newHash; } history.replaceState(null, null, newHash); } }); }); //Window resize function $(window).resize(function () { $respTabs.find('.resp-accordion-closed').removeAttr('style'); }); }); } }); })(jQuery);